Hello again.
I'll be very brief here. There's just something I forgot to mention and you guys didn't have time to do so in St-Pierre-Jolys. I was contacted by Dr. Susan Roddy, who had conducted a town hall meeting in Brandon. I think it was at the University of Brandon in the riding of Brandon—Souris. I don't mean to put words in her mouth, but she did want me draw your attention to the report that she has submitted to you guys about that town hall meeting. I believe part of her reasoning was that she was unsatisfied with the town hall that was conducted or not conducted by her sitting MP. She just wanted to stress the urgency of her report.
I have a bit of an addendum. I think I've heard the comment multiple times before saying that our democracy has worked for 150 years and that we don't need to change it. That's often followed by a call for a referendum. But I have to question when women would have got the right to vote, had we had a referendum on it. That's all I have to say. Thank you.