I just want to say that I think very strongly that now is the time to move beyond first past the post. I have been voting in elections since the mid-1970s, sometimes finding the candidate of my choice in the winner's seat and sometimes not. However, as an engaged member of my community, I know that the day after the election a large number of my community's members were not represented. When people are being pushed out of the political process, they become disengaged until the next election. It is paramount that we all feel that it is worth our while to be engaged in the political process throughout the term of our elected representatives, not just at election time. By moving beyond first past the post and providing a system that better represents the citizens of this country, we will provide an opportunity for more citizens to be involved in what happens in our political system. This should be teamwork. Our elected representatives come from the people, and therefore they should represent the people.
On September 20th, 2016. See this statement in context.