The NDP's Mr. Cullen suggested trying the proportional system and potentially holding a referendum afterwards.
It's sort of like someone saying that they have always had the same cake and that, even if it was good, there is better. Let us taste what is better—a proportional system. A number of countries that have adopted proportional systems have progressed. I think that it is time for Canada to progress, as well.
In closing, we often talk about voters' intelligence. They do not lack intelligence, but they lack time. Ask my mother; ask the people around you. They are concerned about democracy, but they don't take the time to look into all the possibilities. It's complicated. They won't do it any more than they will learn to repair their car or a guitar.
As elected representatives, you have the responsibility to act wisely, with the future in mind, in order to represent voters who, like myself, run for office and have never been elected. It's all the same to me, but I want to be heard.