I'd like to welcome you to our committee, and thank both of you for coming and presenting. Both of you have presented perspectives that are very important for us to hear, the issues of underparticipation, under-representation of women, visible minorities, aboriginal and indigenous groups.
I wanted to say, Ms. Robertson, I'm really pleased that you took the advice of your elder and have become involved in the process. It's really encouraging to listen to the work that you and your organization have done in vocalizing and informing your community to get involved in the process. That's a very positive thing. With that as kind of the context for what I'm going to say, you both have touched a bit on how important it is to the communities you are working with to change the process to deal with some of these issues versus some of the other things.
Madam Roberge, you spoke about some of the things that could be done outside of going to a PR system. If you would be able to give us some comments on.... If we don't end up with a full-on PR system, it may not fix all the things, so what are the other elements we should be looking at and considering at the same time to continue dealing with the issues that you've raised? You gave us a couple. Are there any other things you'd like to see?
Ms. Robertson, are there specific actions that you feel we need to take to ensure that your community, the indigenous community, is involved in this process?