Thank you very much.
We're at the end of hearing from our witness panel. We will now go into the open-mike session.
We're setting the witnesses free. You can stay, of course. You're most welcome to stay, but we're going to have members of the public come up to the two microphones that are directly in front of me.
Thank you so much for your testimony, by the way. It was very informative and allowed us to look at things from a different angle.
The way we proceed in the open-mike session is to give each member of the public who wants to speak two minutes to present their views. So far it has worked beautifully. Everybody speaks for around two minutes. By respecting the two-minute limit, it gives everybody a chance to speak.
I'll ask two people to come to the mikes—to mike one, Donald Joseph Roberts, and to mike two, Michael James Lauer.
Mr. Roberts, go ahead, please. You have two minutes.