I'm 22 years old and I am from Germany. I grew up there, and was originally born here. So I did see and experience, vote and participate in the German system as well. It's not as hard as people make it look. That huge ballot is not something I've ever seen before. I don't know where that's from, maybe Berlin. But either way, even in the German system some people feel there isn't enough representation, and even we have protest votes. But you vote for a protest party; you don't just not vote, because there's always something that you can find in the system to voice your opinion.
Earlier we heard about the threats of extremist parties gaining public medium. Of course, if you have an opinion that is in the populace, and they can voice their opinions then, yes, you would have also extreme voices being heard. But they can be squashed and addressed in a proper forum. However, as we saw in Britain when the ruling elite, the politicians, got too out of touch with their populace because there wasn't that representation, we can be quite surprised when all of a sudden the populace behaves much differently from what we would have expected, based on their just not knowing what they actually wanted. In Germany right now, for me, that's scary. There is more right-wing party activity than normal, than when I grew up. But it's not random.
Here it can be fake. It can be blown out of proportion, like the example that was given earlier about what happened in Quebec. It would be really representing what's going on and the opinions of the voters at that particular time, and that means we need to educate. It shows us where we have to do the next work.
So, please move on to a representative system so that all voices can be heard and don't get lost as in the current system. They're either wasted or not heard. Thank you.