Thanks for being here. It was interesting this afternoon.
I'd like to give kudos to all the young people who came up and spoke, because they're eloquent.
I went to a town hall at Edmonton Centre here a little while ago, and a retired MP came up to the mike and said that first past the post is the only thing to obtain power and get things done. Within the meeting here today, a few people mentioned power quite a bit.
My impression of elected officials is they're there to serve, not to dictate. Electoral representatives and their impression is that we use what we have because it works for us and does not serve the population. How many people who support first past the post have offered amendments and been aware of the consequences of all the omnibus bills that were passed in the last 10 years?
Mr. Graham's DMP proposal should be thoroughly vetted and included in determining electoral performance and where this committee intends to go.
Thank you very much.