It bears repeating that the geographic area and the community area are extremely important to voters. We are in an environment in which the electoral boundaries were drawn on the basis of as many factors as possible and we belong to the same community. If we reduced the number of seats representing a geographic area, for example, that would of course produce some surprising results. If there was one MP for Rouyn-Noranda, Témiscamingue, Ungava, and so forth, they would represent an area about the size of France. Just because there is a problem does not mean we should not consider it. We can find solutions to such situations.
In view of the responsibility conferred on MPs who represent constituents in specific geographic areas, we have to add places for civic participation. We have to do that not just once a year, or once every three or four years. There have to be permanent mechanisms.
People want to participate if it is interesting or if the issues that are important to them are being discussed. Young people, such as those from the group with us here today, are interested in participating if the issues that concern them are being discussed. The same is true for the rest of the population. Would that bring us closer to a solution on proportional representation? It might help us, but I do not believe in that. I believe instead in developing mechanisms that would allow us to consult the wisdom of the people on an ongoing basis.