That's very interesting, and I'm happy for that input.
As a committee, I think a lot of us have been discussing and worrying as well about the outreach that we've been doing and how to engage those who don't vote because what we have been seeing is that most people who come in here are dissatisfied by their history of voting, so they've all been very engaged in the voting process, and we're not reaching out to a lot of people who don't vote.
Ms. Loutfi, you've mentioned that your organization is experienced at doing this, so what advice can you give us as to how we can reach out? I'd hate to put this on the record, but some of us have been discussing a reality TV show. I don't know if any networks would take us up, but it's been hard for us to even get media out to discuss this portion of the committee work. They're very interested in what our outcome is going to be and what the make-up of the committee was going to be, but no one seems to be interested in the whole aspect of the actual consultations and the process of it. How do we get out to those people?