Good morning to our panellists. This has been another great morning. As we go through this, I'm always surprised at the new testimony we get each day. Each of you has brought us some new insight today, so that's really appreciated.
I did want to start with one small correction on a statement that was made previously when a discussion was happening about committees and how in this Parliament it's difficult to have full representation by women.
The example of the medical assistance in dying committee was given. I sat on that committee. I just want to indicate that it wasn't just one woman for the entire committee. The Liberals had two women who participated throughout. The NDP had one, Madam Sansoucy, who participated consistently throughout the process. Also, the Senate actually had two of five, because it was a special joint committee. There was actually fairly good representation.
We see other examples. My colleague Ms. Romanado sits on two committees, whereas I sit on one. Sometimes women have to work harder, but we can get that representation.