I'm out of my league on this one, honestly. In the 1999 and 2002 audits, we focused exclusively on existing substances as opposed to new substances. Under CEPA, when it's a new substance, my understanding is that industry carries most of the burden for providing the information on toxicity and so on. Under the existing substances, I think it was mostly government researchers who were doing the assessment work.
To a certain extent, the assessment activity for us was a black box. They are so complicated, these assessments; you have to be a toxicologist just to understand some of the language they're using. We were looking at the process, at the amount of time it took, and the outcome of the assessments. As to inside those assessments, and the extent to which industry tests and government tests, I'd have to turn to either Mr. Moffet or Mr. Clarkson; I'd be out of my league.