Certainly. The request we are making to committee with respect to including the in-commerce list as a list of existing substances in the legislation is that we would like the parameters of the in-commerce list to be defined in the bill.
Right now, the domestic substances list is defined in the bill under section 66, so we would like it included there. Section 73 is for post-categorization. There's a mandated requirement at section 73 for what we went through with categorization and screening of the DSL. Section 74 would be with respect to having a risk assessment done if there was a need to have one done, if something had shown that a risk assessment needed to be undertaken by the department. The provision is there.
With section 81, it is to ensure that the new substance notification regulations are formally recognized as the regulations for substances included in the Food and Drugs Act products. Those provisions would just ensure that all substances in Food and Drugs Act products are covered off within the CEPA legislation formally. Right now we are subject to CEPA; we're just not formally subject to CEPA--formally in the legislation, I mean.