You must make a distinction between the approach and the targets. The large final emitter approach is a regulatory one that would set targets. What we say in the two previous paragraphs, in paragraphs 1.47 and 1.48, and what I also stated in my opening remarks, is that targets for the industrial sector have been reduced continuously since 2002.
So it is the target that will enable us to meet the Kyoto objectives, and not necessarily the approach. One approach is as good as another, if we consider the pros and cons of each of them. The government will make a decision as to its preferred approach, but what is important are the targets.
In 2002, the industry target was 55 megatons. It then went to 45 megatons, and now, it is probably about 30 megatons. Knowing that industry represents 53 per cent of emissions, it is clear, if we compare these figures with the overall reduction target, that we are a long way from meeting it.