Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Before I ask my first question, Madam Minister, I would like to submit a petition signed by more than 80,000 people from Quebec and Canada who want to see the Kyoto Protocol implemented.
Minister, I think we had to do this today. Indeed, it seems to me that since you became Minister of the Environment, you have not listened to what parliamentarians had to say. Since May, that is since the passing of the motion by the House of Commons, you have been in an awkward position towards the Quebec and Canadian people who want to see the Kyoto Protocol implemented. Today, you are talking to us about new targets and new approaches but there is nothing to convince us that you intend to abide by the Kyoto Protocol.
Do you realize that your attitude is leading to a loss of confidence, not only in the House of Commons but also among the Quebec and Canadian people?