Kyoto is not about air pollution. We agreed that it's about the reduction of greenhouse gases.
Let me then ask you, because you answered another question this week when somebody was talking about international credits.... And I want to tell you, by the way, it reminds me of what the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development said about this on page 32 of chapter 1:
Investing in Kyoto credits from international projects can have economic and environmental benefits.... Project-based Kyoto mechanisms, such as the Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation, can result in real emission reductions and provide opportunities for sustainable development in developed and developing countries.
When you were asked about that, you said the money we could be spending on those credits could go instead to garbage plants and water treatment plants. How would we meet our Kyoto targets--which we agree are about reducing greenhouse gases--more effectively by investing in a water treatment plant instead of in the international credit system, which the Commissioner of the Environment thinks is an effective way of reducing greenhouse gases? Why is that domestic choice going to be better in our fight against climate change?