Thank you for the opportunity to discuss some of the details we had in our presentation for today, but which, in the interest of time, we didn't go over.
We have put down in our recommendations details for timelines for getting the substances to the list. I think, in fact, they concur very well with PollutionWatch's timelines. For example, we need immediate action to address significant danger. The ministers now have the power to act on that, but perhaps they don't use it as often as they should. One of our recommendations is that chemicals identified as persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic be placed on the CEPA toxic list immediately and be regulated within one year.
Chemicals identified as persistent and toxic, or bioaccumulative and toxic—in other words, these might be the top 500 identified by Environment Canada and the top 100 identified that have health concerns—should undergo a screening assessment within two years, and for those deemed CEPA toxic, there should be a management plan in place within one year, and the plan should be implemented within two years after that.
One of the things we think is very important--and I am alluding to a comment made by Mr. Teeter--is that while these plans are being developed, emitters should take voluntary action. In other words, we should not wait for the full plan to be developed. You can start to take action right away while you're assessing and determining the risk, in order to reduce some of these exposures.
Of course there are useful timelines that could be recommended after substances are put on this list, and we would hope that any regulatory process would proceed within reasonable timelines as well.
I think putting these timelines in CEPA tends to make us take action. We have to. They're in the act, so Health Canada and Environment Canada have to act on this timeline. Having those timelines in CEPA removes this whole process from the political system a little bit. For example, if you look at the undertakings of this committee, the process to review CEPA has had some hiccups because of elections. I would hate to see the review and the management plans of chemicals having similar hiccups, maybe based on a political system, whereas if you have the timelines in the act, those analyses and management plans continue despite what governments are doing politically.