I'd appreciate it, because of my enthusiasm for the subject, if you'd give me a look at the five-minute mark, Mr. Chair.
Welcome, everybody.
Today we're looking at the specific issue of timelines, but many other things come into consideration, and it seems to me that the issue of timelines allows us to distinguish the various challenges we're facing. For the question I want to ask, I'm open to your decision among yourselves as to who is going to answer it.
Taking timelines is one of the challenges. To what degree do we need legislative change, or will regulation change do it? Or are we really saying we need legislative power because we're frustrated that departments haven't applied enough resources to the problem and they could actually use the existing timeline structure? With the timelines, they're actually a maximum, but nothing would prevent the department from going faster if they wish to, I assume. They could, actually, if they had the resources. So that's the third issue. Then the fourth issue is of course political will.
So what I'm trying to decode from this conversation--and I have read the Lung Association's presentation, although I wasn't here for it--is to what extent are we trying to use legislative change out of frustration at the other parts? Is it because we simply feel that even as written we're not getting there because there haven't been enough resources or enough political will, and if there were enough resources and enough political will we wouldn't need to be pushing so hard in typing up the timelines? Maybe I'll start with those with Dr. Khatter.