One of the keys in deciding what a release limit should be--and Mr. Benevides mentioned this--is to make sure the decision is first based on science. We need to look at what the health effects and environmental impacts are in terms of a chemical or substance based on the research and to try to make our decision as closely linked to the science as possible. Of course, there will always be some subjectivity, and there will always be some practical considerations in making the decision. When governments make those decisions, the best we can do is to be transparent as to how those decisions are made.
Before I finish--just to keep this in mind for all of us--there are two different things we're talking about. There's the level of quantification and there's the release limit. Right now, one of the barriers is this need to figure out a level of quantification. When something is in a product, for instance, it's difficult to do. How do you figure out release limits from products? What we need to do is streamline the process by probably getting rid of the level of quantification and just making good science-based decisions as to what the release limits should be.