There is a group called the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water, which has been concerned with, and has looked at, the issue of contaminants like pharmaceuticals and personal care products in source water for drinking water.
There is a group in Health Canada that is concerned with...from the result of CEPA 1999 and its provisions for exemptions, or recognition of other acts, such as the Pest Control Products Act, as CEPA equivalent. The Food and Drugs Act did not meet those requirements, so there is an effort under way to look at environmental impacts of a number of chemicals that were identified as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and so on.
That is why I said yes. I am not involved in any of that work directly, but I do know also that several provinces were concerned about the pharmaceuticals showing up in source water and a potential impact on drinking water. I know work is going on, but I can't give you any details.