Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I appreciate the witnesses being here this morning and the plethora of information we have before us. I just want to read from the background material that was provided to us in preparation for this. It says that the main estimates:
...are usually tabled, along with the overall government expense plan, on or before 1 March. However, because of the election on 27 January 2006, the 2006-2007 Main Estimates were not tabled until 25 April 2006. However, at the time, the Treasury Board Secretariat stated that “The 2006-2007 Main Estimates reflect decisions taken by the previous government rather than the current government.”
And I think that's the salient point. So the decisions taken in the main estimates that we're talking about are from the previous government.
It goes on to say that this government’s decisions will be announced in Budget 2006 and will be reflected in the supplementary estimates to be tabled in the fall, which were just tabled and which we aren't discussing today.
Dealing with the main estimates, I'd ask you to turn to page 8-5, about halfway down the page, where we're looking at “Reduced Greenhouse Gas emissions”. If you look to the far right of the page, under “2005-2006 Main Estimates”, there was $53 million in last year's main estimates to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, yet in this main estimate, which was from the previous government, they have zero dollars for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, from $53 million down to zero.
The next line down has “Improved air quality”; there was $103 million, and in these main estimates, which are from the previous government, there's zero again. Then the next line down is “Reduced risk from toxics and other substances of concern”. There was $192 million in the previous 2006 main estimates, and then for this budget that we're dealing with, the main estimates for this year, it was again reduced down to zero. So we see a trend.
The next one, “Biological diversity is conserved”, was reduced from $117 million to zero. On the next line down, “Clean, safe and secure water for people and ecosystems”, $65 million was reduced to zero. The next line down has “Priority ecosystems are conserved and restored”, and $55 million was reduced to zero. The next line down has “Reduced Impact of Weather and Related Hazards”, and it shows $155 million reduced to zero. Then there's “Adaptation to Environmental Changes”, $92 million reduced to zero.
My question is why? We've heard over and over again from the opposition themselves that these are all issues of high priority to the previous government, to the opposition, particularly to Canadians, and absolutely for this present government. But as I pointed out, the salient point is what we're talking about, the main estimates, were from the previous government. So why would we on one hand say these are important issues and yet reduce millions and millions of dollars from the main estimates?