Thank you very much for the question.
Generally speaking, I think the whole government is looking at trying to make sure we get the best performance out of our grants and contributions programs. I think the results of the blue ribbon panel on that will be coming forward in December.
Part of our expenditure restraint does deal with grants and contributions. With the exception of moneys going through to foundations--of which you have mentioned one--which was a large amount last year, we don't have any this year. Typically, for the past few years, we've been spending about $70 million in grants and contributions, and right now in the mains we are trying to manage that resource within $47 million. We have a few class contributions that are broadly stated, and we are looking, as a priority over this year, to try to better align the performance of these contributions and establish priority setting so that it does align, in the best way possible, with the government's priorities.