I'm trying to incorporate this into the work we're doing. It seems to me that the place to deal with actions taken, previous plans and all that, is both under an update to the Kyoto process and on the mechanisms discussion, because it will remind us of mechanisms that have been tried and maybe worked or not worked and what we think about those.
So there are two places for that in our work plan.
That would also get to where Mr. Cullen was talking, because in the bill itself, under 5(1), there is a description of the various mechanisms that might be deployed by government that we would want to measure. So that is a place again for a discussion of mechanisms, and trading, and all the sort of things that Mr. Cullen raised.
Understanding Mr. Rodriguez' point that it is probably, on our sixth session, unnecessary to devote the whole two hours to sorting out a problem that seems to have been pre-sorted, that might be a good place to bring in the provinces, because that will mean we're not crowding one of the other sessions.
So I'm just trying to keep incorporating these ideas into the plan in a way that doesn't.... I don't know if that works for you--