Thank you, Chair.
I'm in agreement with Mr. Godfrey's comment on the post-Nairobi.... I would only suggest that it seems to take a little dust-settling after these types of meetings for the officials to know what the results actually were from Nairobi.
I am concerned about our putting officials or even the minister in front of us two days after returning from Nairobi. It usually doesn't happen this way in international agreements, that we know what the actual moving forward plan is, for either our government or international governments. So a meeting or two later for that....
The other concern I have in looking over these lists is that there are references in the bill to the provinces and the implementation and equivalency, yet we don't have any witnesses from the provinces, or any representation.
Following Mr. Bigras' point about the attainability of doing this over the next six years, it seems to me that at a minimum the provinces are going to be playing an absolutely massive role in it. I just don't see it as possible that the federal government, with the tools it has available, is going to be able to achieve the reductions of 30% or more.
The second point is that if provinces.... I met with the FCM, and I'm sure others have recently. The cities are often talked about as the vehicle for a lot of this to actually take place. There are places where the federal government works, but there are many places where it doesn't.
My last comment is that we have not spoken of or resolved this “past politicians” or “current politicians” list that the government has provided. That seems to be a point of contention.
As a very last comment, I wouldn't mind seeing some modelling, either from the government or a third-party validator or an ENGO or another country—from somebody—as to what the implications are of using a bill like this to achieve 6% below 1990 by 2012.
I understand there are pieces in this bill that talk about spending and pieces in the bill that talk about the Auditor General. There are pieces in this bill that can't happen, that you simply can't do in this bill.
I understand it was drafted with help, but that raises cause for concern, when you have a comment in the bill asking for the Auditor General to provide comment on policy.