Thank you, Mr. Chair.
On your comments with respect to confidentiality, I think that in our brief we outlined what we felt were adequate provisions in CEPA. I know that the comparison was put forward with respect to the Pest Control Products Act and the differences in that. I think that information is available to people who request it; it's just a matter of how you go about it. Through the Pest Control Products Act there will be a provision where you can access that information via a reading room, if you make an application to do so. Through CEPA I believe you make a request under the Access to Information Act. The acts work in the same way; there's just a different way in how you go about getting the information.
With respect to REACH, I think that REACH and the CSDSL program are basically trying to address the same issue, and that is, building public confidence in how existing substances are managed. It's CCSPA's position that we're a decade ahead of REACH with respect to how existing substances are being managed. With a science-based program and a consultation process built into that with respect to due process for companies to respond to, we think that is the way to go. It's practical and it's workable.