Order, please.
We have a bit of housekeeping before we go on. So that our clerks can arrange the schedule of witnesses to come, we need to make a decision. We have one day now on which we're not meeting when we thought we were, and that's November 30, because the House is not sitting November 30 or December 1.
It seems, in talking it over with the clerks, that the easiest approach would be to simply move everything by one meeting and thus get the witnesses we had scheduled for November 30 to come on the next Tuesday, and so on. That would mean possibly not finishing clause-by-clause until one meeting later, which would go into that next week.
We would need unanimous consent to do that, because the motion we have before us says that clause-by-clause is to be completed by December 7. I'm basically taking a straw poll on what people think about that. Our clerks do need to know, for confirming witnesses, just exactly what we're up against.
Mr. Bigras.