Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I have three motions that I want to introduce, and I'll do this as quickly as I can.
Unfortunately, at the previous meeting there were some issues. The meeting started quite late. I keep time, and unfortunately we were shut out on opportunities for our round, so we have to try to move these motions. It was quite disappointing. It seemed as though there was a strategy to start the meeting late and end it quickly and early in order to eliminate us from having the opportunity to question the witnesses.
So here we are on the motions, and I thank you for this opportunity. I have three motions.
I'd like to start off with the first motion inviting the Honourable Stéphane Dion to appear before the committee by Wednesday, November 29, of this year as a witness for the discussion on Bill C-288. The reason is—and I'd like to deal with these motions separately—that Stéphane Dion was the last environment minister, and I believe he has a responsibility to address why virtually nothing was done to combat growing greenhouse gas emissions. Bill C-288 states that we now need to meet those Kyoto targets. Well, that former minister needs to answer to Canadians why he didn't do anything.
The next motion I'll be making will be to invite David Anderson. Again, we need to find out why these former environment ministers really did not protect Canadians and did not meet the obligations of Kyoto. We've heard from other witnesses that if Bill C-288 had been introduced in 1998, it would have been relevant, but at this point it's not relevant anymore. It appears to be more mischief and obstruction tactics by the opposition.
We need to hear from these former environment ministers on why they didn't do what they were supposed to. Why did they permit greenhouse gas emissions to go far beyond the Kyoto target? Why did they sign up for Kyoto and then not do anything? I think it would be really helpful as we consider Bill C-288. That's why I moved that first motion to invite Stéphane Dion.