We don't have sufficient operations in the other provinces to warrant doing that. We actually have what I would call a national MOU, memorandum of understanding. The federal government is a signatory at the ministerial level from three departments: Industry, Health and Environment. In its first renewal, Ontario and Alberta also joined. And in its upcoming renewal, which is still in progress, British Columbia has joined and Quebec is participating in the management group for this. It's called the Environmental Protection Steering Group, and Quebec isn't signing the same document as everybody else, but we're developing a parallel MOU with them. They see themselves as a full participant and came to the last meeting and participated.
Then we also have environmental groups that participate in this. We have a national advisory panel for Responsible Care, which has people from various walks of life. We have a couple of representatives from there and some environmental representatives as well. It's not with each separate provincial government, it's kind of all in together, although we will be having the separate arrangement with Quebec so they can participate in our national approach.
We have a separate agreement also with Ontario related to that. And that's basically the answer to your question.