The reality is that our economy, to a significant extent, has been based on the resources we have. We could make choices. We could say we're not going to develop some of those resources, but we'd have to figure out what parts of the economy we are going to use to replace that revenue. As much as we've had policies to support, for instance, the oil sands, or the growth of oil and gas production in this country, those policies have brought enormous employment opportunities and government revenues that we would have to replace somehow.
Let's face it, if we decided not to expand our production of oil sands and not sell that to the United States, some other country, whether it's Algeria, Venezuela, Mexico, or Saudi Arabia will sell that oil and gas to the United States. You have to ask yourself whether the global environment will be better off for that. Canada's GHG emissions may go down, but will the world's GHG emissions go down?