If I can go back to your first question, which I have been mulling over, on this whole question of making policy choices on sources of energy, etc., and linking it to Mr. Bigras' question about decentralization and the interests of provinces and territories, I think there is more virtue to having some kind of a national strategy that thinks about, for example, our energy sources.
In Ontario, the premier campaigned on saying no nuclear energy, no coal energy. I'm not quite sure what's left that's going to actually provide power to the province of Ontario. We have had difficulties with respect to things such as linkage of an east-west grid. We had a serious blackout on the east coast.
To go back to those policy choices, my instinct says it would be better for Canada, as a country, to have a more cohesive debate and dialogue about those policy choices.
As I said, the place of nuclear and things like that, look at Europe and--