I just wanted to add an anecdote here, and this goes to Kyoto structure. According to their financial statements, over the last five years British Petroleum globally has spent $50.48 on the development of increased oil production capacity for every dollar it has spent on all alternatives, renewables, and natural gas production capacity. But under the Kyoto Protocol, under those rules, British Petroleum hits the market with a bag full of free quota. Every Canadian oil and gas producer spends proportionately more, and when Rick's numbers come, you will see. Every Canadian oil sands producer spends proportionately more of their new capital on the alternatives and renewables than BP does. In the Kyoto Protocol, every Canadian producer starts way below the table.
If the Kyoto Protocol were in full effect and functioning right now, Petrogas would not be asking Petro-Canada for an equity position in the Canadian LNG plant. The Canadian LNG plant would not be built unless Petrogas or BP deigned to come to Canada with their pocket of free quota. The Canadian numbers are great. Canadian politicians have to understand that.