Two days ago we had the commissioner here. She was one of the witnesses. This was not brought up; she was not questioned on this. So here we are with this on-the-fly type of legislation, which of course the Liberals are known for. One of the reasons the witnesses shared with us is that the Kyoto targets are not achievable.
I would not support this. It's not in the mandate of the commissioner. She was not questioned about this even as recently as two days ago.
Yes, we need more accountability on the environment, but this is, again, on the fly. This deals just with the climate change. If we want to discuss--not through Bill C-288--the accountability on the environment through the commissioner, that needs to be discussed thoroughly. On air pollution, we know that's a big, important issue for the health of Canadians. The quality of water and the land--there are a lot of issues that would invoke a healthy discussion.
To create a new clause in Bill C-288 on the fly, as the Liberals are famous for, I think is inappropriate, and I will not be supporting this.