One of the struggles we've had with tracking government plans and spending is that there's a two-year or so delay within what the actual missions were and what we're dealing with in the present time. I understand the purposes of getting it away from the Commissioner of the Environment, and we're in agreement with that. But in terms of the reporting and the ability to act upon that reporting, if it takes two years at any given time in terms of delay--a two-year delay to get it back--if this bill is attempting to change that or alter the way....
There's the accountability component. I'm trying to understand what the government's plans are, reporting back on what the effectiveness of those plans are, but we have a two-year lag--a minimum of a year and a half, but most likely two years at all times. How does the bill account for that lag in the Minister of the Environment then setting out new targets, if those targets are based upon reports that come from two years ago?