Thanks for the question.
I think there are kind of two parts to the announcement. In a way there's the announcement of what's been in the hopper, the kinds of things that Health Canada and Environment Canada are doing about flame retardants, about PFOS, about various other substances. Much of that, at least for us, is stuff we already knew about. It's stuff that's been in the process. We are fairly happy with the timelines for the assessments of the substances on the domestic substances list. So we're happy to see that the departments are being aggressive about moving on those substances. We're still at a point where we need to watch and see how those assessments tip, how precautionary those decisions are, whether declaring something toxic is going to deal with its presence in consumer products or not, how many of them are going to be virtually eliminated or prohibited, and how many of them are going to be risk-managed, to what degree they're going to be risk-managed, and what our standard is for protecting Canadians. Those are things we can't tell from the announcement at this point.