On the question of overlap, to be frank with the committee, we do try, and I appreciate Mr. Khatter's comments about certain parts of the department, in his view, shirking their responsibilities. The issue here becomes this: are those different parts of the department looking at the specific use, the material in use concept, and do they consider that appropriate?
Now, there have been instances where some of those things have resulted in certain different interpretations based on an appropriate use, and the department has had to come back and revisit. An example is a substance that's used in both a pesticide and an industrial setting, and what's a residual amount that's acceptable to be found in water. How do you find that? How do you set that? So there have been instances where, under two pieces of legislation—entirely appropriate, based on their use—slightly different conclusions have been arrived at. Those have been identified and reconciled.
So the process does work, but there are times when the interpretation of the science, based on the use, needs to be reconciled.