I want to come back to the whole issue of implementation, because you're the experts on that. You're the people who actually have to live with the consequences of this act. If you can't tell us what the problems with implementation are, I don't know how we're supposed to find out--in other words, if we're supposed to go for brown envelopes, or I don't know what.
So I'd ask you as the implementers, are there obvious things that should be changed from a legislative point of view, from a resources point of view, or from a common sense point of view, to make your task easier? Is there low-hanging fruit here? Are there things where, if you could have a drink with me, you'd say, “Oh, for God's sake, if you'd only do this, you'd make it a whole lot easier,” or “That's impossible; you're asking us to do the impossible”?
I'm just trying to figure out how we can usefully find out from you, the implementers, what changes, of whatever sort, would really make your lives easier, whether it's regulation or timelines, or “Gee, just do this.” If we don't, I don't know what other source of information we can have to find that out. We can't do a good job if we don't understand how the legislative part interacts with the administrative and implementation part.
So go ahead. Break all the rules. Go crazy here.