Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I don't want to repeat what my colleagues have said, but from the outset, from the momentMs. Fraser testified, I called for more independence for the Commissioner of the Environment. As Nathan was saying, we mustn't allow environmental issues to be overshadowed by broader audit concerns. That is the mandate of the Auditor General.
The Auditor General is responsible for auditing government and each government department. I have always believed that the government should analyze policies, particularly those relating to the environment. I'm thinking here about the strategic environmental assessment. A relevant directive was issued by the Prime Minister's Office 25 years ago, but the government refuses to apply it because of the belief that economic principles must prevail in the government decision-making process.
The environment is a fundamental issue. I don't quite understand, and I'd like Ms. Fraser to come and explain to us what she means when she says that defending causes and conducting legislative audits are incompatible pursuits.
Consider, for example, the former Commissioner of Official Languages. Just because Ms. Adam, as Commissioner of Official Languages, defended the role of francophones in the federal public service doesn't mean she didn't conduct a proper audit. I don't think Ms. Adam overstepped her position. Nor do I think she defended a cause. Rather, she took steps to ensure -- as her mandate dictates -- that francophones have a place in the federal public service.
Therefore, in my opinion, we should be guided by the work of Ms. Adam, the former Commissioner of Official Languages, when called upon to makes choices concerning the Commissioner of the Environment. If it was good for the former Commissioner of Official Languages and for the Privacy Commissioner, then it can certainly be good for the Commissioner of the Environment.
Therefore, I support greater independence and the separation of powers between the Auditor General and the Commissioner of the Environment. As such, I will, of course, support the motion.