On a five-year calendar, on the 2007 to 2012 compartmentalized plans, I know that in Canada, like many countries, we're playing catch-up. Many countries, while signatories to Kyoto, didn't have a substantial amount of megatonnes of greenhouse gases to reduce. For example, for Germany, going back to 1990, the east joined the west, so therefore there wasn't actually a significant number of megatonnes required to be reduced. Decisions made in France with respect to nuclear energy, obviously, were very positive for France. Decisions to close down coal mines made in the 1980s certainly yielded not insignificant opportunities for Britain in this.
What I see is that between 2007 and 2012, under the plans that we're putting the final touches on with respect to industrial regulations, Canada will be reducing more megatonnes actively in our plan than I suspect most countries in the world.