Thank you very much.
When Mr. Knight talks about the capacity for storage not being where you want it, I think of my own province of Nova Scotia, which may face some challenges in this regard. We obviously have great production of coal-produced electricity, and we've heard today there is some capacity offshore in sub-sea reservoirs where there is now gas being produced, and perhaps elsewhere in saline deposits. But it is something that concerns me.
I want to turn to another point. You mentioned that $15 is not enough. I don't know whether others agree with that, but let me put forward a scenario and get your reaction, particularly those from industry, on how this would work.
If you put an absolute price on carbon levels above a certain point and said that if you were above that point you'd pay a certain amount into a fund and could get it back if you actually had projects that would reduce your carbon production, and we'd also give you an accelerated capital cost allowance and place a price on carbon of around $30, as opposed to $15, for example, what would you see as the advantages and disadvantages of that kind of system?
I want to ask the people here from industry.