Would I be mistaken in saying that a 15%-reduction in greenhouse gas emission intensity in the oil sands sector would represent an absolute increase in greenhouse gas emissions of 179%? Given that this sector is a big industrial emitter and is responsible, to a large extent, for Canada's emissions, how do you reconcile this reality with the fact that Canada must reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020? Is there not a contradiction between the fact that there is a projected increase—oil production from the oil sands is going to triple—and the fact that you are telling us that we will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20%? Is there not somewhat of a contradiction between the forecast and the overall objectives that you have set? What model are you using that allows you to state that we will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 20% when, according to the facts, we are projecting an increase of nearly 180% in absolute greenhouse gas emissions?