So if you don't meet the targets, we can come back and say, we didn't meet the targets because the Conservatives didn't get it done; they hadn't figured out the offset system as part of their plan. Can we do that?
I didn't mean to be facetious there, Mr. Beale.
I've been listening to ads on the radio in my car, grinding my teeth, because they have this propagandistic element to them. I don't know if you've heard them. The government came out and said, “Under our tough new climate change plan....” The word “tough” is repeated a few times within the 30-second blurb. Isn't that more a subjective statement? It would be like saying, well, under our great new budget, you can deduct transit pass costs or whatever.
How can we be making that statement, that we have a tough plan, when the head of the United Nations climate change body has doubts about our plan? Al Gore doesn't think it's so tough. What's the basis on which we're saying that it's a tough plan? Is that just spin, or is there some objective measure behind it?