If you're speaking with respect to the existing provision that provides accelerated CCA for oil sands, which is being phased out in the budget, this is a provision that applies to general investment in the oil sands. It's a provision that essentially accelerates the deductions that firms can take for their capital cost. So it doesn't change the total amount of tax on a project, but it changes the timing. It means that firms can take bigger deductions in the early years and lower deductions in later years. So they pay less tax in the early years of a project, and more tax in later years.
The fiscal impact of that for the government can vary quite a bit from year to year. It depends on the balance of projects that you have and where they're at in their life cycle. So for projects that are at an earlier stage, they are paying less tax, and then you have other projects that may be a later stage that are paying more tax.
We estimate that based on current economic conditions and based on projected investment over the next few years, the provision is currently costing and will cost the government for the next few years in the order of $300 million a year. That's a number that will gradually decline as the provision is phased out.