I can't speak about the Quebec airshed because it's not something I'm familiar with, but I can say that I know there are 160 coal-fired generating stations in southern Ontario's airshed, in addition to the four that are operated elsewhere in Ontario, that do have a huge effect on smog and pollution.
I've already begun formal negotiations with the United States to reduce emissions. I think some of Quebec's neighbours—namely, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine—have better environmental track records than other U.S. states. Southern Ontario is in the same airshed as the Ohio valley. I don't know the air patterns for southern Quebec or your constituency, for example.
I can tell you that smog does not know borders, and that's why it's so important that we get the Americans and the Chinese and the Indians on side on global action on greenhouse gases, because you also have a twin effect of reducing smog and pollution.