“Call the vote”.
The record clearly shows, Chair, that we have an opposition, particularly Liberals, who do not want to hear the facts. As Mr. Allen said a moment ago, they appear to be looking for a sound bite and not interested in the environment.
Chair, Canadians want this committee to function. They want it to look at solutions to cleaning up the environment. I don't want to look back and start blaming who created the environmental mess, Chair, but the reality is that Canadians want action, they want solutions. That's what I would like to do.
Chair, there were numerous times in this committee, and also in the House, where I encouraged the whips to encourage their members to talk about solutions. I heard from the Bloc that, yes, they were very interested in the committee talking about solutions. The NDP wouldn't answer and the Liberals wouldn't answer.
I really believe the NDP supports looking at solutions, Chair, but I don't believe that anymore with the Liberals. They don't want to look at solutions. They want optics. And Chair, actually that is what the environment commissioner said in one of her reports, that there are a lot of big announcements and a lot of confetti, but they simply don't get it done. Chair, that's not what Canadians want. They want us moving forward, they want us dealing with solutions, and we have witnesses here today to talk about smog.
What we have on the table is a vicious attack against your integrity, against your character, and it's a disappointing day. I continue to encourage the members: please, let's work on solutions and quit the silly political games. This is gutter politics at its worst, Chair.