If I can refer back to the comment I made earlier, I don't think it's helpful to say there's more pollution or less pollution; the issue is what kinds of pollutants are there. Mr. Smith can correct me, but I think the point was made in the study about comparable types of industries. The idea was to compare the same types of industries; the point was that comparable Canadian industries emit more of certain kinds of pollutants.
This committee's looking at a wide range of issues. On a large number of specific toxic chemicals, Canada's track record on emissions levels is as good as, or better than, that of any country in the world. On smog-causing pollutants, NOx, SOx, VOCs, particulate matter, Canada's track record, by and large, is not as good as that of the United States. Some provinces are better than others; some industries are better than others. I think the point is that by and large, for smog-emitting, smog-causing pollutants, particularly in the Great Lakes, we're not performing to the same standard.