Thanks, Mr. Chair.
I want to respond to some of the comments of Mr. Regan.
As a member, I have my own aspirations here, apart from what the Prime Minister's Office may or may not think about something here. My aspiration is to see that somebody is on that committee from the government. I think that's important. That's what I want to see from that. Nobody's telling me that that's what I want to see. That's what I want.
I also want a chair to function in a subcommittee that doesn't violate neutrality. I think that's a fundamental principle of how the committees work. While I appreciate that you have strong views, my aspiration is that you don't violate a position of neutrality sitting on a subcommittee. That's important to me.
I think it's not only important to have somebody from the government, but when it comes down to planning, I would think it would be even more important to have the parliamentary secretary there who has intimate knowledge of what the minister is up to, or not up to, what may be coming down the line from the government in terms of legislation, or other things that I think are critically important to have when you're looking ahead at the agenda.
Are we on simply the main motion itself?