It's interesting. We've worked together in the past, in a previous life, at the national round table. I have to say, for Canadians who are watching or following or reading, that with all due respect, Mr. d'Aquino, that is the same line I've heard for a decade. I have heard from large industrial emitters the same line about the fact that the large industrial emitters can't move forward until all Canadians are fully engaged. It's a stock response.
I'm happy to see that your organization has created an environmental responsibility panel of some kind. I'm surprised that your task force on environmental leadership was only created last year. You were involved in all kinds of issues, all kinds of task forces, all kinds of round tables in putting together solutions over the last decade, as you rightly point out.
So I'm going to take from both your answers that neither of you has concluded, and I'm assuming that all of your chief executive officers for whom you speak would share your view, that the government's plan will not achieve a 20% reduction by 2020.