Thank you for your question, Mr. Bigras.
I will also revert to English. I apologize; my French isn't good enough.
The issue of credit for early action is a very important issue. Yes, I share the sentiments that a credit for early action should not be ignored. Frankly, again I go to the practical approach. I've watched us—meaning the large final emitters—and different governments hit our heads on the increasingly thick wall of finding a way out of credit for early action.
I've given you our record. Our industry, at least talking about my own sector, has taken action. I also look at our customer base, the six million we touch base with who have three-quarters of the emissions. My advice to my members is to forgo your credit for early action and let's get on with getting something in place. Yes, sure, we would like to have the credit for early action.
Did I misunderstand the question?