Thank you for the question.
I would like to differentiate the large final emitters conversation. Let's park that once and for all, the regulatory framework for that reduction.
On the natural gas side, as I said, we are 26% of end use. Looking at what the economy uses natural gas for, is there a way that we can meet the energy service requirements of Canadian communities and businesses at a lower intensity? I would say absolutely.
Can we achieve it through our historical lens of looking at discrete components of the system? I have serious doubts. I'm more familiar with natural gas.
Efficiency of space heat is 95%. Do you want to push it to 98%? What are you going to get with that?
What we are seeing, as I said, and there's evidence, are interesting projects happening across Canada at the municipal level, looking at where you can get the step reduction, and it comes as a systems approach to a community. Energy, land use, transportation, waste and water—when you start seeing all those together, you start seeing phenomenal opportunities.