Well, I don't think we're saying we support the bill, in any event, as we indicated earlier, but to answer your specific question, I don't have the analysis. We haven't done the analysis. I think, as Mr. Sawyer has suggested, the regional impacts are much more difficult to quantify, but it's only common sense that if you're applying a significant carbon reduction target to the country, the biggest impact would be in Alberta and Saskatchewan. The reasons are very obvious, because that's where a huge proportion of our oil and gas production comes from, and those are the provinces that are most reliant on coal-fired electricity.
So whatever the numbers might be for the GDP as a whole, obviously there will be a much bigger impact in places such as Alberta and Saskatchewan. But what the size of that number is depends very much on the actual policies you implement, how quickly they're implemented, and what transition assistance and what assistance you give to the technologies that are going to be the real source of greenhouse gas reductions.