Thank you.
I'm going to answer in English because I'm more fluent in English.
I think it is important for us--and we're doing it again in the lead-up to 2012--to be clear about our objectives going into negotiations and who's going to do what within that overall target. So part of the package adopted in January was about sharing the effort between member states.
It helps, because there's a policy lag; it takes time to get the policies in place to lead to emissions reductions. It may be a decade or so between when we start discussing how we're going to go about it--doing all the impact assessment and economic, environmental, and social work, deciding on the right piece of legislation, and getting it through the European process and adopted in member states legislation--to the point where it actually starts having an impact in terms of emission reductions.
Given what the science tells us about the need to peak in 2020 and then decrease, we don't have that much time. So we need to start early to be ready for the agreement, which is only about 18 months away. The end of 2009 is not so far away. It's very important.